Ask Congress To Make Your Falls Risk Assessment A Medicare-Covered Benefit!

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Please Ask Congress To Make Your Falls Risk Assessment A Medicare-Covered Benefit!

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Are you at Risk for a Fall? Falls are the #1 Cause of Injury Among Older Americans!

You should get a falls risk assessment – and it should be of no charge to you!

Falls are the #1 cause of injury in people over 65. Fortunately, your physical or occupational therapist can help reduce your risk by providing you with a fall risk assessment.

MEDICARE PATIENTS SHOULD RECEIVE A NO-COST FALLS RISK ASSESSMENT by a trained falls expert. With passage of the SAFE Act, they can!

A falls risk assessment should be a Medicare-covered benefit, but it isn’t, YET. Medicare does not currently cover a falls risk assessment as part of a senior’s annual well visit. * Imagine how many serious injuries or even deaths could be prevented if seniors could access a Medicare-covered assessment every year.*


Members of Congress have introduced the SAFE Act. If passed, the Safe Act would provide a physical therapy and occupational therapy benefit in your Medicare annual wellness visit; ultimately providing your falls risk assessment through that benefit.

Write your electronic letter to Congress NOW by clicking anywhere in this line of text.

A pre-drafted letter is provided and it takes less that 1 minute to send. Take a stand for fall prevention!
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