Occupational Therapy in the pediatric setting focuses on a child’s ability to engage in activities of their daily life. For children this includes: play, self-care, and school participation. A variety of factors can hinder a child’s ability to engage meaningfully in their daily life appropriately and result in frustration/temper tantrums, poor attention/performance in school, or inappropriate social interaction. An Occupational Therapist will assess a child’s fine motor skills, visual motor skills, and sensory processing skills all of which are important for a child to succeed in their daily life and meet age appropriate milestones.
A variety of children benefit from OT services whether they have a medical diagnosis or not though some children are considered to be at risk if they have a diagnosis of: Autism Spectrum Disorder; birth injuries/birth defects; Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome, Developmental Delays, behavioral problems, or learning disabilities. If a child is observed to have delay in milestones as he or she compares to children their age (playing, eating, engaging socially, dressing), demonstrates excessive outbursts or tantrums, or is having difficulty in school an OT assessment is recommended.
An Occupational Therapist will assess the following skills and these skills may be impacting a child’s ability to function, socialize, and learn.
In conclusion, if you feel that your child may be falling behind compared to a sibling or friend, these are some signs where an occupational therapy evaluation would benefit: difficulty with self feeding, dressing, bathing, or grooming; demonstrates frequent and unexplained tantrums; is clumsy, poor balance, reluctant to play toss, or ride a bike; has difficulty in school or demonstrates poor social skills.