An Update on the Physical Therapy Compact

As mentioned in a previous blog post, the multistate licensure compact is moving ever closer to reality.  With Washington recently bringing the number of states who have agreed to join the compact to the minimum number of 10, the process can now move to the next step.

To review, the purpose of the interstate compact is to reduce regulatory barriers to interstate mobility and cross-state practice for PTs and PTAs in order to increase consumer access to physical therapy services.  A state licensure compact would allow PTs and PTAs who are licensed in a compact state to practice in another compact state without having to go through the process of applying for licensure.  Arizona, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee, and Utah had previously passed legislation to join the compact.   States which currently have pending compact legislation include Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Florida, Illinois, and New Jersey.

Next, a compact commission will be formed that will draft rules and bylaws by which the compact will be governed.  Among the requirements for the compact, applicants cannot have any limitations from any state on their license to practice, no adverse licensing board action can have been taken against the applicant for at least two years prior to the application, and the applicant must meet any jurisprudence requirements  that may be required by a compact state for which privileges are requested.  Additionally, participants must report any adverse regulatory board action from a nonparticipating state within 30 days of the action being taken.

We will be providing updates as more states join the compact and as the commission is established.  Stay tuned!